Get On My Level 2022 just wrapped up and Juan "Hungrybox" DeBiedma was crowned the winner of the Super Smash Bros Melee tournament. But his victory didn't come without some intense moments, including an interruption to his iconic victory pop offs.
Hungrybox is known for his over-the-top pop- ffs any time he wins a match or major. It's no longer a surprise to see Hungrybox scream on stage, flip over a chair or two, or lay on the floor crying. But when he went to celebrate his victory at Get On My Level, rival Cody "iBDW" Schwab had other plans.
Before Hungrybox could start screaming in victory, iBDW decided to use a new move being dubbed as the "anti-pop off strat" or "pop off cancel." iBDW started frantically jumping up and down right in front of Hungrybox's face, screaming and yelling behind his mask.
The entire time, Hungrybox kept a straight face, making the moment all the more uncomfortable. It was hard to tell if Hungrybox was angry at his moment being ruined or if he was actually in on the seemingly-random turn of events.
Whatever the case, the Smash community had mixed feelings about the moment. While the initial reaction was of laughter all over the Twitch chat, some people found the moment to be cringe or embarassing after. Others pointed out that iBDW had ruined Hungrybox's pop off, although others responded that he'd "already popped off" three times before then.
iBDW himself responded to the critcism: "Also to anyone who’s somehow mad about that... Bro, it’s called having fun. Chill out. He makes an act out of everything and is a good friend of mine. He found it hilarious. "
Super Smash Bros. Melee community reacts to iBDW anti-pop off at Get On My Level 2022
While some found it excessive, the moment at Get On My Level 2022 quickly went viral within the Smash community. It made for some great memes, solidifying the moment within the history books.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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