The M4A1 has been a quiet contender for best gun in the game for a long time now. This gun dominated the first several months of Warzone, and though other guns like the Krig and the C58 have risen, the M4A1 never stopped being great. With many people looking to shake up their gun usage in the midst of the frustratingly long reign of the Krig 6, the M4A1 is an attractive option to revisit.
Here is the best loadout for the M4A1 in Warzone Season 5.
Overview to the M4A1 in Warzone Season 5
This weapon deals 40 damage to the head and 27 damage to the body in close range, with no modifiers for tummy, arms, and legs. This means it's relatively forgiving, in line with the XM4 or RAM7. At longer ranges, this gun will deal 34 to the head and 23 to the body. When you put it all together with the 800 RPM, you end up with a time to kill of just under 600 MS up close and just over 650 MS past 29 meters.
The M4A1 is a balanced weapon that is effective at the close, medium, and long ranges. While it won't outcompete the guns that specialize in those ranges, it's a pretty convenient weapon for all your Warzone shooting needs. The ideal weapon setup will enhance this gun's all-purpose function with improved optics, better recoil control, and a larger magazine.
Best Attachments for the M4A1 in Warzone Season 5
- Monolithic Suppressor
- Stock M16 Grenadier Barrel
- Commando Foregrip
- 60 Round Mags
- VLK 3.0x Optic
Monolithic Suppressor
At this point in the Warzone Season 5 meta, running a suppressor on all your loadout weapons is still a good idea. Stealth is such an important facet of this game, and a suppressor will help keep you off the minimap of your enemies.
Stock M16 Grenadier Barrel
The Stock M16 Grendadier Barrel increases the bullet velocity and damage range of this gun, in addition to slightly reducing its recoil. In exchange, you will take a slight hit to your ADS speed and movement speed, but it is well worth it to increase this gun effective range. If you aren't looking to use a long-range loadout, I would consider a different barrel, but if you want your M4A1 to replace the Krig 6, this is the right attachment to choose.
Commando Foregrip
The Commando Foregrip will reduce the vertical and horizontal recoil on this gun. This is a great addition to the weapon, since it will make an already low recoil weapon even more laser-like. Considering how many encounters happen at long range, the Commando Foregrip is a great way to give yourself an upper hand in long-range gunfights.
60 Round Mags
It's pretty simple, more bullets are better in Verdansk. Many of your fights will be with multiple opponents, so being ready to take on a few gunfights in a row without needing to reload is valuable. This is a must-have attachment for the M4A1 in Warzone Season 5.
VLK 3.0x Optic
The VLK 3.0x Optic is a great scope for the M4A1. It provides clean, visible crosshairs and the 3x zoom is the sweet spot in Warzone. The iron sights on the M4A1 are perfectly usable, so you could forgo an optic altogether and shoot for something like a Fully Loaded perk to increase your max starting ammo, but if you want to use this gun at any level of range the zoomed optic is definitely helpful.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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