Lee “Yaharong” Chan-ju, the mid laner for the LJL team DetonatioN FocusMe, recently spoke up on
On Aug 5, in DFM’s match against Sengoku Gaming, DFM had an 8,000 gold lead, with a kill score of 9-1 at 15 minutes. However, due to a recent bug that allowed a champion to insta-revive, Sengoku’s jungler, Jang “Once” Se-young’s Poppy respawned right after his death. In order to solve the issue, Chronobreak was initiated, but in the end, it failed. Ultimately, the match was delayed for two hours, and once the match was remade, Sengoku Gaming took the victory after a 40 minute battle.
After the match, Yaharong shared his thoughts on the matter via his personal Twitter.
▲One of many tweets that express Yaharong's thoughts on the match vs Sengoku Gaming.
“My career has made it thus far because of my love for League of Legends. While tonight’s match is just one match out of the many in the split, I thought, ‘What if this happened in game 5 of Worlds finals?
I want to ask Riot Games and the LJL. Will LoL Esports survive like this? A Chronobreak was initiated after the in-game bug, but because Chronobreak completely changed how the game was going, a rematch was called. We didn’t even get word on whether Poppy can be played or we can ban them. All that was said was that if the Poppy bug occurs again, they’ll re-discuss the issue and make the decision.
From the in-game bug itself to the Chronobreak bug and the decision on the rematch, improper management on the rematch to the two-hour delay on the match, it was the worst match for both the viewers at home and the players.
There’s nothing I could do about the Chronobreak bug, but I honestly got mad at how the league dealt with it after. There was no reason to do a fresh draft, yet the league did not tell us the proper reason behind why we were doing a fresh draft. Wouldn’t it be better to have better guidelines in the rulebook that can deal with every type of situation more flexibly? Or wouldn’t it be better to give more authority to the referees that can make flexible decisions?
Having a match be declared no contest due to such a bug is the absolute worst case scenario, and you cannot call it esports if such scenarios continue to occur. I sincerely hope that such bugs do not reoccur. I wish LoL Esports to thrive. I’ll have faith that Riot Games feels the same, and I hope that we can all work together to go in the right direction.”
There were especially a lot of bugs occurring in leagues around the world this Summer. Due to such, fans started to also question the referees’ authority and influence they actually hold in a match. Riot Games should seriously look at how they can not only fix the bugs, but also look at just how much influence the referees can actually exert, all for the longevity of LoL Esports.
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