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League of Legends
CFO Achie: "Right now, even if we have a very strong player, they will be hired by LPL really soon."
Cyberpunk 2077
[IGC 2023] CD Projekt RED'S Colin Walder discusses changes in game development history
League of Legends
LLL Ceos: "If Brazil manages to send another team, that can significantly aid our region."
UC Irvine announces online esports symposium on October 19
League of Legends
PSG Wako: "I think LCK teams got better in the summer..."
League of Legends
R7 Bong: "Nuguri is my role model."
League of Legends
BDS Labrov: "Even versus the highest seed of NA teams, I think we still have a good chance of beating them on stage."
League of Legends
Ranking the Top 5 Supports Competing at Worlds 2023
League of Legends
LLL BeellzY on LCS: "People miss connecting to the players..."
League of Legends
Licorice: "Adam is harder to play against than most top laners..."
League of Legends
Ranking the Top 5 Bot Laners Competing at Worlds 2023
League of Legends
BDS defeats GGS and secures the last ticket to Worlds 2023